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3rd Year

Introduction to literary criticism

Aristotle On Imitation Sabbir Ahamed Shovon                                                                                                      H-III-32113 Aristotle, The great Grecian, was a versatile genius. He was a world famous philosopher, psychologist, logician, moralist, political thinker and the founder of literary criticism . He believes that all forms of literature were imitation of real things which he presented in his epoch-making seminal work “ Poetics’’ . Aristotle did not invent the terms ‘Imitation’. He Borrowed From his master Plato who was the first to use the word in ‘The Republic’. But Aristotle breaths into it a new and definite meaning, so that poetic imitation is no longer considered mere mimicry, but is regarded as an act of imaginative creation by which the poet, drawing his material from his phenomenal world makes something new out of it. According to Aristotle Imitation is the common basis of all the fine arts. While Plato had Equated poetry with

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Poetics-Aristotle - Chapter -3 - The Manner of Poetic Imitation - Bangla Translation and Explanations